
this existed in Mandrake9.0 (but not 8.2) and is also here in Beta1 of
9.1 (just downloading the latest cooker, but not holding out any hopes)

[mainly] anti-aliased text that is rendered to screen B is frequently
rendered to screen A but opening a menu or switch desktops wipes it...

Setup is an 1 Gig Athlon, Matrox G550Dual, 2x Iiyama 17" VMPro's
(atleast that's what the drivers think it is, it's actually Belinea 22"
Pro Digitals), 512meg PC133 RAM (2x256meg) and a 100gig of random IDE
disks - I also have a WinTV card and a few other random (hopefully
unrelated goodies) in the machine...

Additionally, the MandrakeLinux menu is empty (contains "What To Do?"
submenu but that is empty too) and DRI/XVideo fails to work on Display2
- but I always had that so not worried about it

I hope this is the right sorta info you need.

The install was vanilla 9.0 (which restarting X seemed to screw up
fonts) so I just threw 9.1b1 on the top of it.... This did magic like
make Evolution work (1.0.8 on multiple remote Imap servers was REALLY
unstable 1.2 is much nicer) and the new Galeon looks just sweeeeeeeet :)

Actually, /home was not wiped -- so maybe there's a .dotfile that is
causing the problems? The /home partition is left over from my RedHat6
days.... :-/   I "rm -rf .gnome*" to see if it helped, to no avail....

Hope someone can help ;)

-cheers, Darran

Darran D. Rimron-Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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