Beta 2 now available.

Two 650 MB ISOs.

Included Club applications (name, then number of votes, in parenthesis
reason why it has not been included)

OpenOffice 340 
mplayer 329 
Sun JDK 1.4.1_01 217  (could not be put in gpl CDs)
Wine 198 
k3b 197 
ogle 166 (codec problem)
GnuCash 143 (does not fit on 2 CDs)
spamassassin 137 
Grip 136 
xmms 130 
xine 123 
LinNeighborhood 119 
Phoenix 112 (not packaged yet, but should we have one more browser?) 
MySQL 107 
xcdroast 102 
Mozilla >= 1.2 100 
Blender 96 (not packaged)
KOffice 93 
gFTP 91 
KRecord 90 (not packaged)
abiword 89 (still have font problems?)
NTFS partitioning tool 87 (could not be put in gpl CDs)
Arson 86 (do we really need 4 or 5 cd burners in the main?)
webmin 84 
Midnight Commander 83 (really useful ?)
Geramik 83 (still in contrib)
gnomemeeting 78 
Audacity 78 (is it really good?)
Gaim 78 
Xpdf 76 
Enlightenment 0.17 74 (not packaged)
GQView 72 
Mondo Rescue 72 (still in contrib)
Ethereal 70 
Scribus 69 
Bastille Linux 68 (msec is better)
Digikam 66 (not packaged)
Flash Player 63 (commercial)
postfix 2.0 62 (not packaged yet, but postfix present)
Downloader for X 61 (?)
Tetex 59 
650 MB ISOs 57 
emacs 56 
xchat 54 
Freevo 54 (not packaged)
Guarddog 54 (in contrib)
XAwtv 53 
Kopete 52 
pine 52 (commercial)
High Performance Liquid 52 (copyright pb?)
MySQLCC 0.8.7 43 (in contrib)
Eclipse IDE 40 (not packaged)
Cyrus IMAP Server 39 (?)
PyQt 39 (in contrib)
SquirrelMail 39 (in contrib)
sylpheed 38 (in contrib)
vorbis-tools 38 
XEmacs 35 
samba-server 33 
knetload 30 
PostgreSQL 28 
Apache 2.0 26 
NVIDIA latest driver and 26 (commercial)
IceWM 25 
ncftp 23 
gcombust 22 


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