Pixel wrote:

"John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

anyway, most things should be accessible in the "summary" step, isn't
that enough?

IF that is documented, YES. Tell people to fix via summary what seems still
broken(and make that statement prominently early in install, that install has
changed and summary (or Advanced Setup, see below) now gets you where there is
no advanced button earlier)-- like printers, etc. People will not guess that--
if the box were titled Advanced Setup, they might catch on easier that the
buttons WORK (except for the sound aspect, and this inconsistency might throw
some folks for a loop ("It's the only thing there that I cannot get to the
config of by clicking on, WHY???").

the ergonomy of the "summary" step will (should?) change :)

not everything is decided yet, remarks will be welcome, even if not
everything is possible. I think (hope?:) I took into account most
remarks i've received!

BTW, would the folks in charge of documentation contact me??? I have some time
free and could help with that better than coding details in languages I either
knew and have forgotten most of the details of or have not learned. I also
have threads in the Club in documentation and translation areas working (on
this topic, documentation for end users), and a tiny website if anyone wishes
to see what the perspective behind this request is adn who in general I am.

please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(there may be some other way, but at least i know this one works :)

Thank you, will contact her and yes, you do very well at integrating comments\remarks\ideas into reality. :)


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