Hey guys, I had ssh start crapping out on me recently, but I was able to fix 
it by changing "ssl start_tls" to "ssl on".  With start_tls, ssh segfaults if 
run by a user who's not in /etc/passwd, and sshd segfaults if you try to 
login as a user not in /etc/passwd.

Other problems I've seen with ldap are the MySQL problem, and wine crashes if 
the user isn't in /etc/passwd also. I've reported that to the wine folks, 
since it happens even if I build from their source tarball.

On Friday 24 January 2003 03:09 am, Buchan Milne wrote:
> Stefan van der Eijk wrote:
> > Weird. The machine bgmilne, is it set to query it's own ldap database?
> Yes, but it was giving referrals, which might have influenced it, but:
> [bgmilne@bgmilne bgmilne]$ grep ^host /etc/ldap.conf
> host localhost
> And on our ldap master (runs 9.0):
> [bgmilne@hercules bgmilne]$ grep ^host /etc/ldap.conf
> host hercules.cae.co.za
> [bgmilne@hercules bgmilne]$ hostname
> hercules.cae.co.za
> [bgmilne@hercules bgmilne]$ ssh localhost
> Last login: Fri Jan 24 10:55:53 2003 from bgmilne.cae.co.za
> [bgmilne@hercules bgmilne]$
> >>> Where shall I file the bug, openldap-servers package or openssh-server?
> >>
> >> Reproduce on a different network first ...
> >
> > Did it on a stand alone laptop (with ssh & ldap server on it) too, same
> > results.
> >
> > I'm starting to see more & more shit come up with using ldap... mysql
> > doesn't start, now this stuff with ssh, what's next?
> We're running quite well, we haven't yet setup ldap referral for samba,
> but that's on the cards for the next few days ... and our pilot-test
> laptop which runs an ldap slave for disconnected auth has been working
> fine (though I didn't try mysql on it ;-)).
> One more thing to check, have you got an ldap entry in your hosts line
> of nsswitch.conf? It could be that you had a localhost entry on the
> machine you imported from with a different ip address, which got
> imported, so the reverse lookup doesn't return a good answer ...
> Buchan

Brian Smith

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