On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, Vincent Meyer, MD wrote:

> Hi,
>       I think I asked this once before 9.o came out, but since we're getting things
> ready for 9.1, I'll bring it up again.
>       Is there any logical reason why Gnome Samba Browser is in the menu:
> Network--> Remote Access
>       bit that LinNeighborhood, which does pretty much the same thing, is in:
> Network--> Other
>       Wouldn't it make sense to to move LinNeighborhood to Remote Access ?

I don't tihnk any of these tools are used for "Remote Access". I think
there should be a new menu category for "Local Network" or something,
where LinNeighborhood, Komba2 etc can go. Maybe even call it "Windows

Really, putting these tools under "Remote Access" or "Other" is just
confusing ...

Of course, I think they are the wrong approach, I think both KDE and Gnome
need VFS/kio modules that support smbfs/smbmount'ing instead of using
smbclient-based tools such as kio_smb and the smb VFS module for Gnome.
WINS support in kio_lan would also be great ...


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