------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-01-27 03:25 -------
I submitted this against the paper version of the Quick Start guide.  Is there an 
online or electronic version of this document I could review?  ftp?  email attachment? 

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Sorry - there is no "Documentation" product or component on the Bugzilla
submission screens - so I used "installation".  Please forward to the
appropriate people.

As I read through the Quick Startup Guide that came with my 9.0 PowerPack
edition I found a few things that were not clear.  Here they are:

Chapter 1. Installation Guide Warning

  1st paragraph - You might want to reword "(meaning being able to access both
OSes on the same computer)" to "(meaning being able to access either OS on the
same computer)".  In my opinion "both" suggests simultaneous use of both OSes
when I believe you mean the user can reboot to switch from one OS to the other
using them in a sequential manner.

Chapter 2. Before Installation

  2.1 Configuring your BIOS - 2nd paragraph - I suggest rewording the sentence:
"If your Windows 9x OS is initializing these devices instead of the BIOS, this
will need to be changed for use under GNU/Linux." -to- "If your BIOS is set to
skip initializing plug'n'play devices, you will need to change this to run
GNU/Linux.  Windows 9x OSes should continue to work correctly even if the BIOS
performs plug'and'play device initialization."

  3rd paragraph - this paragraph starts out by negating the 2nd paragraph!  Very
confusing.  It makes much more sense if the first sentence in the 3rd paragraph
"If your devices are not recognized properly, it could help to turn off
plug'n'play features in the BIOS." is completely removed.

  2.2. Creating a Boot Disk - Since CDROM "Boot Disks" can also be created and a
bootable CDROM disk is used to create the floppy boot disk, I suggest that to
reduce confision the word "floppy" be added before "boot disk" and before
"image" for every occurence in this section.  Thus the title of section 2.2
becomes "Creating a Floppy Boot Disk" and the first two sentences of the 2nd
paragraph become: "The CD-ROM contains all of the floppy image files and utility
programs needed. You will also need to create a floppy boot disk if you wish to
use a bootloader other than LILO or grub (for example a Windows bootloader)."

  3rd paragraph - The second sentence "For this method of installation, the
significant file is named cdrom.img." doesn't make sense - no method of
installation has yet been discussed.  The next sentence on the next page however
explains things well so the second sentence can simply be deleted.  Then, again
for perfect clarity, change the sentence on the next page from "The cdrom.img
image is used to install the distribution from a CD-ROM." -to- "The cdrom.img
floppy disk image is used to install the distribution from CD-ROM."

Whew, editing documentation takes some time!
Thats enough for now...

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