On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 17:14, Gerard Patel wrote:

> >scrollbars.
> Got your post from the archive, if this can be enabled below
> some resolution, it could be a fix. I don't know how easy it is
> to get at the screen resolution and enable scrollbars dynamically
> with GTK. I'd say it could not be accepted that software displays
> scrollbars when it's not necessary, because as you say, it's
> very ugly.

I can't believe it's very difficult. I mean, take an example - I'm
looking at Evolution right now, a GTK app. I have it maximised; the tree
view on the left has no scrollbars. If I make it too thin for the whole
tree view to be completely displayed horizontally, guess what? A
scrollbar appears. If I make it too short for it to be completely
displayed vertically (I'm sure you can see where I'm going with
this...:>), hey, another scrollbar appears! Just like that. SURELY this
can't be *so* hard for the Mandrake tools to implement? I guess Mandrake
has the slight extra problem of starting its tools up with an
appropriate window size, but that must surely be possible too.

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