On Sat, Feb 01, 2003 at 05:07:30PM -0800, David Walser wrote:
> Also (Ben Reser), when I put gd2 in rpmmon it didn't
> work, even though that's the name of the SRPM.  I had
> to put libgd2.

That's the data I have:

117 genius:~/public_html/ben.reser.org/mandrake/rpmmon # grep gd2 maints
gd2-utils       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
libgd2-devel    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
libgd2-static-devel     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looks like the maints file is built off the names of the binary packages
not the SRPMS.  

P.S. stuff that you want me to see on the list you probably ought to CC
to me.  I don't pay a whole lot of attention to this list and can be as
much as several weeks behind on reading.


"America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is
the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the
champion only of her own." -- John Quincy Adams, July 4th, 1821

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