Well I'm English, and I also don't get cricket (I mean I understand it, but I don't see the fun in it). The same can probably be said for our national team. ;-)

My father, on the other hand, who is nearly 60 and still plays cricket, makes extravagant claims for the sport. He claims it's not just a sport but a metaphor for life. Apparently, every game is like a battle, and a test series is like a war. Which attitude may go some way to explaining how we managed to throw away our "Bloody British Empire" so quickly and comprehensively.

Mind you, I don't see much sign of Petanque being adopted as an international sport through the influence of the former dominions of the "Bloody French Empire".


Bruno Prior

Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
"Vincent Meyer, MD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I think we Americans are genetically programmed to be unable to understand Cricket. I spent two years in Grenada, and after watching a few games and

Not only US/Americans but Europeans also and don't give a clue about this
boring game 8-)

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