On Tuesday February 4 2003 02:41 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> I've noticed that most mirrors have all three of the beta3 iso's,
> some still do not have iso # 3.  More to the point I havent seen an
> md5sum file on any of the mirrors yet, and I've checked over 10 of
> them.
> I've almost got all three beta3 iso's downloaded and I'm ready to
> check them.  Who do I trust?  Does anybody know where I can get
> *the correct* md5sums file?
> Who is the ISO Overlord?
> --LX

    This is what I got, and several others have reported to me 
(various mirrors), that their's matched mine.

120610ea02bb6a3ad0f0de594723b4a2  MandrakeLinux-9.1beta3-CD1.i586.iso
8114ad9397a08fa7d4aea94e34f183f0  MandrakeLinux-9.1beta3-CD2.i586.iso
42e97b16574350ad8c15a109657b34fa  MandrakeLinux-9.1beta3-CD3.i586.iso

    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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