I'm sorry, i forgot to mention i'm using mdk 9.1beta3.  I know official
rpms will be out when 9.1 comes out, but perhaps mandrake could add a
script to download and compile the modules, and automatically edit the
XF86Config file?  That would simplify things, even if there are rpms

> > What furthers my problem is that I had to download and compile a
> > separate kernel in order for the nvidia drivers to want to compile. 
> Somehow I doubt that.
> # urpmi kernel-source

Doesn't work.  The only kernels i could get from rpms in 9.1beta3 are
smp kernels.

> > This of course messes up a lot of mandrake's features such as supermount
> > and various modules.  
> > 
> > This is enough of a pain to drive off even a veteran linux user.  I do
> > not know how you guys should go about remedying this, because I know
> > your stance on closed-source drivers.  Anybody have some ideas?
> > 
> If you're running a stable release:
> 1)choose another list for your next post
> 2)Get your card running:
> # urpmi lynx
> # lynx -source http://ranger.dnsalias.com/nvidia_me|sh

That's a nice script.. something like that would be good in the control
center.  like a "Got Nvidia?" button per say.

Preston Cody
V.P. PSU Linux Users Group
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] IM: ppcodeman

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