On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 01:21, Han Boetes wrote:
> Gustavo Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How many possibilities of add systrace[1] in the next release in
> > kernel-secure? It's sounds very good and not impact any system
> > without a policy configuration.The users that are using 
> > kernel-secure without expertise won't affected.
> > 
> > [1] = http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/systrace/linux.html
> >       http://www.systrace.org
> > 
> > Can i request it as feature? Or what?
> I am running OpenBSD current and also systrace. It's a really 
> nice idea, but the implementation isn't finished yet. It doesn't 
> have any stability drawbacks on the OpenBSD-kernel. I suppose 
> it gives some overhead.
Yes, the overhead exists.But grsecurity produce some overhead
too.Nothing wrong here.

> But before this gets merged into the main-kernel I would prefer
> to see some individuals experiment with systrace on the linux 
> kernel and see what happens.
main-kernel? no. secure flavour of the kernel as suggested!

> btw, systrace is not really difficult, but to do it right it 
> isn't really simple either.
Without policies, without impact and overhead.Good for people
that are using secure flavour without expertise about this
subject(systrace).As in grsecurity case.

> [...]

Gustavo Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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