Hello, I'm contacting you on behalf of the many people who inhabit the 
Mandrake Linux `Cooker' development list (as distinct from representing 
Mandrake themselves).

One of the few chipsets which Mandrake Linux and other OSS-respecting 
distributions cannot support `out of the box' is NVidia's nforce and similar 

The audio for these chipsets is basically i810 so is now handled natively by 
every new Linux kernel, but the network driver is not so simple to deal with. 
We can re-write that with some effort, but would much rather that NVidia 
released the code for the ethernet driver under a BSD or GPL license, perhaps 
with a rider to the effect that the driver shall not be adapted for use with 
competing network interfaces, and/or shall only ever be used as part of an 
Open Source operating system, something like that.

NVidia would earn `brownie points' - that intangible asset which accountants 
put on the balance sheet as `goodwill' - which is probably important in this 
time of being `second best' graphics card provider, and a 100Mb LAN interface 
can hardly hold anything radical or market-important by way of trade secrets 
at this stage in development.

We would be delighted if NVidia were to similarly release code for their 3D 
drivers (an X licence would be most appropriate), but are not expecting a 
miraculous social transformation any time soon, and will be pleased with 
whatever advances we can get. (-:

If there are any barriers to NVidia's joining the world-wide Open Source 
community wholeheartedly, please spell them out to us, as we may be able to 
do something about some or all of them.

Thanking you in advance

Leon Brooks
Member, Perth Linux User Group                     http://plug.linux.org.au/
Committee Member, Linux Australia                   http://www.linux.org.au/
Committee Member, Society of Linux Professionals WA  http://www.slpa.asn.au/
Owner and reseller of NVidia nForce-based computers, Mandrake Linux user

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