Brook Humphrey wrote:
On Monday 10 February 2003 08:32 am, David Walser wrote:

Interesting point, I hadn't thought of that.

Well, I think last time I tested courier was last Spring, so if I get
time I'll test it again and see if the problems I had before have been
resolved.  It's too bad Courier doesn't support SIEVE :o(  Oh well.

tarvid wrote:
Forgive my ignorance but what is SIEVE?
It's a scripting thing, you can do a lot of things with it, but it's main use is server-side filtering of e-mails. Currently with any other IMAP server, say you have some folders, and you want to filter some mails into the different folders. You do your filter in Mozilla Mail, and then don't get run when you use SquirrelMail (webmail), or vice versa. SIEVE does all the filtering when the messages are delivered on the server (rather than when you check your mail), so it's consistent across all IMAP clients, and also there are nice GUI and web-based tools for configuring SIEVE filters.

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