------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-02-10 21:35 -------
Because of the bug reported in bug 1356, I can't restest this as the font
install won't complete....

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assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Following the discussion in bug 835, I extracted all of the W98 and W2000 fonts
via Samba, and created a CD with two directories, one for the *.fon fonts and
one for the *.ttf fonts.  I then did a fresh system install and used drakfont to
add the fonts, first from the ttf directory, then the fon directory.  After
completion of the fon directory, I got some unexpected messages.  This was done
by running drakfont from the command line to get the stdout/stderr, the end of
which was:

Finished - font files created
mv: cannot stat `*.gsf': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `*.pfm': No such file or directory
type1inst Version 0.6.1 (11th February 1998)
Copyright (C) 1996-1998 James Macnicol ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
There are a total of 278 PostScript fonts in this directory
278 fonts found
278 were standard PostScript fonts
For 143 of these I couldn't figure out which foundry
the font is from.  Thus, these fonts will appear under the
foundry unknown, i.e. X font name -unknown-*.
Please consult the README file to see what this means.
A log of errors is located in the file "type1inst.log"
mv: cannot stat `*.pfm': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `*.gsf': No such file or directory
sh: line 1: /usr/X11R6/bin/xftcache: No such file or directory
retarting xfs......
chkfontpath: error opening /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/ttf/fonts.dir,
unwilling to add path
chkfontpath: error opening /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/Type1/fonts.dir,
unwilling to add path
Restarting X Font Server.                                       [  OK  ]
The End...........................
[root@ftgme ftg]#

Here are directory listings of the fonts:

[root@ftgme2 ftg]# ls /mnt/cdrom
WinFonts/  WinFontsTTF/
[root@ftgme2 ftg]# cd /mnt/cdrom/WinFonts
[root@ftgme2 WinFonts]# ls
8514fix.fon  modern.fon   smallf.fon   vgaoem.fon     wst_ital.fon*
8514oem.fon  roman.fon*   sserife.fon  vgasys.fon     wst_span.fon*
8514sys.fon  script.fon*  sseriff.fon  wst_czec.fon*  wst_swed.fon*
coure.fon    serife.fon   symbole.fon  wst_engl.fon*
courf.fon    seriff.fon   symbolf.fon  wst_fren.fon*
dosapp.fon   smalle.fon   vgafix.fon   wst_germ.fon*
[root@ftgme2 WinFonts]# cd ../WinFontsTTF
[root@ftgme2 WinFontsTTF]# ls
abalc.ttf      emeri___.ttf   ocraext.ttf    timesbi.ttf    tt0500m_.ttf
antique_.ttf   executiv.ttf   oldcentu.ttf   timesi.ttf     tt0519m_.ttf
antquabi.ttf*  fifthave.ttf   outlook.ttf    times.ttf      tt0575m_.ttf
antquab.ttf*   fillmore.ttf   palabi.ttf*    transist.ttf   tt0576m_.ttf
antquai.ttf*   fitzgera.ttf   palab.ttf*     treasure.ttf   tt0579m_.ttf
arbli___.ttf*  francisc.ttf   palai.ttf*     trebucbd.ttf*  tt0580m_.ttf
arialbd.ttf    garabd.ttf     palatbol.ttf   trebucbi.ttf*  tt0607m_.ttf
arialbi.ttf    garait.ttf     palatia.ttf    trebucit.ttf*  tt0620m_.ttf
ariali.ttf     gara.ttf       palatita.ttf   trebuc.ttf*    tt0621m_.ttf
arialnbi.ttf   gaslight.ttf   pala.ttf*      tribubol.ttf   tt0622m_.ttf
arialnb.ttf    georgiab.ttf*  papep___.ttf   tribuita.ttf   tt0623m_.ttf
arialni.ttf    georgiai.ttf*  papercli.ttf   tribune.ttf    tt0628m_.ttf
arialn.ttf     georgia.ttf*   parambol.ttf   tristan.ttf    tt0630m_.ttf
arial.ttf      georgiaz.ttf*  paramita.ttf   tt0015m_.ttf   tt0726m_.ttf
arialuni.ttf*  gothicbi.ttf   paramoun.ttf   tt0016m_.ttf   tt0727m_.ttf
ariblk.ttf     gothicb.ttf    partridg.ttf   tt0017m_.ttf   tt0756m_.ttf
arielsym.ttf   gothici.ttf    patrick.ttf    tt0083m_.ttf   tt0757m_.ttf
batang.ttf*    gothic.ttf     pegasus.ttf    tt0084m_.ttf   tt0769m_.ttf
bavand.ttf     hatten.ttf     percival.ttf   tt0085m_.ttf   tt0837m_.ttf
bazooka.ttf    heather.ttf    pickwick.ttf   tt0086m_.ttf   tt0838m_.ttf
bkant.ttf      herald.ttf     pmingliu.ttf*  tt0107m_.ttf   tt0839m_.ttf
block___.ttf   impact.ttf     poster.ttf     tt0108m_.ttf   tt0841m_.ttf
bookosbi.ttf   intrebol.ttf   presws__.ttf   tt0109m_.ttf   tt0842m_.ttf
bookosb.ttf    intreb__.ttf   pythagor.ttf   tt0110m_.ttf   tt0843m_.ttf
bookosi.ttf    intreobl.ttf   quill___.ttf   tt0122m_.ttf   tt0844m_.ttf
bookos.ttf     intrepid.ttf   rockston.ttf   tt0131m_.ttf   tt0867m_.ttf
boulder.ttf    invitati.ttf   saloon__.ttf   tt0197m_.ttf   tt0909m_.ttf
broadvie.ttf   janis___.ttf   sceptre.ttf    tt0209m_.ttf   tt0939m_.ttf
bssym1.ttf     jester.ttf     scratch_.ttf   tt0280m_.ttf   tt1001m_.ttf
bssym2.ttf     julius__.ttf   scribble.ttf   tt0281m_.ttf   tt1027m_.ttf
bssym3.ttf     l_10646.ttf*   sedona__.ttf   tt0306m_.ttf   tt1040m_.ttf
caesar.ttf     lhandw.ttf     sherwood.ttf   tt0307m_.ttf   tt1115m_.ttf
calist.ttf     libraria.ttf   signatur.ttf   tt0312m_.ttf   tt1126m_.ttf
calligra.ttf   longisle.ttf   signboar.ttf   tt0316m_.ttf   tt1127m_.ttf
century.ttf*   lsansi.ttf     simsun.ttf*    tt0317m_.ttf   tt1128m_.ttf
cezanne.ttf    lsansuni.ttf   snifb___.ttf   tt0326m_.ttf   tt1129m_.ttf
chaucer.ttf    lucon.ttf      sniff___.ttf   tt0327m_.ttf   tubular.ttf
christie.ttf   mariah.ttf     snifi___.ttf   tt0328m_.ttf   unicorn.ttf
comicbd.ttf    market.ttf     socket.ttf     tt0329m_.ttf   vagabond.ttf
comic.ttf      marlett.ttf    stagecoa.ttf   tt0330m_.ttf   valiant_.ttf
contb___.ttf   matisse_.ttf   standout.ttf   tt0331m_.ttf   varsity_.ttf
contl___.ttf   metro.ttf      stars___.ttf   tt0342m_.ttf   verdanab.ttf
contm___.ttf   micross.ttf*   steamer.ttf    tt0359m_.ttf   verdanai.ttf
coprgtb.ttf    moddemi.ttf    steward.ttf    tt0360m_.ttf   verdana.ttf
coprgtl.ttf    moddeob.ttf    stonehen.ttf   tt0361m_.ttf   verdanaz.ttf
cornerst.ttf   moderne.ttf    storyboo.ttf   tt0372m_.ttf   vogue___.ttf
cotillio.ttf   modobl.ttf     stylus.ttf     tt0373m_.ttf   webdings.ttf
courbd.ttf     msmincho.ttf*  submarin.ttf   tt0387m_.ttf   westm.ttf
courbi.ttf     mtcorsva.ttf*  subway.ttf     tt0388m_.ttf   willow__.ttf
couri.ttf      mtsorts.ttf    symbol.ttf     tt0389m_.ttf   wingding.ttf
cour.ttf       newzubol.ttf   tabitha_.ttf   tt0390m_.ttf   wingdng2.ttf*
crate___.ttf   newzuobl.ttf   tahomabd.ttf   tt0391m_.ttf   wingdng3.ttf*
cuckoo.ttf     newzurca.ttf   tahoma.ttf     tt0421m_.ttf   zelda___.ttf
denmark.ttf    nwgthcb.ttf    teletype.ttf   tt0423m_.ttf   zeldi___.ttf
diner___.ttf   nwgthci.ttf    tempsitc.ttf   tt0498m_.ttf
diploma.ttf    nwgthc.ttf     timesbd.ttf    tt0499m_.ttf
[root@ftgme2 WinFontsTTF]# 

This might have happened after the TTF fonts install as well; I didn't really
notice before starting the fon install, and the console window lost the TTF output.

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