On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 10:03, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> Le mar 11/02/2003 à 06:17, Oden Eriksson a écrit :
> > tisdagen den 11 februari 2003 09.16 skrev Jean-Michel Dault:
> > > Name        : Gabrielle           Relocations: (not relocateable)
> > > Size        : 53.5cm, 4.170kg     License: GPL
> > > Packager    : Jean-Michel Dault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > URL         : http://www.advx.org/baby
> > Hmmm, GPL?
> Of course, she's GPL. We merged two branches of ADN source code, and
> forked a new version. Eventually, she'll want a fork of her own, so I
> grant her the same privileges ;-)

In English, the acronym is DNA :)

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