Marcel Pol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 11 Feb 2003 12:21:46 +0100
> Robert Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Zapping works fine (and XawTV did up until recently) - but KwinTV can't
> > find and devices.
> It has been broken forever. The rewrite for kde2 was never completed, just
> like the rewrite for kde3 is still not completed.

well, in fact it was ... in cvs ...
the new authors did do some releases before doing the qt3 switch but
never do one just after the kde3 port, only after they have begun to
destroy^h^h^h^h^hclean up the sources :-)

> I believe it was put into the distro because people kept asking for
> it. Now the situation is that people keep telling it's buggy.

one solution would be to take a cvs snapshot just after the qt3 port
and to package it.
maybe it would bogus but the try can worth it

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