Oden Eriksson wrote:
cat > %{buildroot}/%{_menudir}/xvocp << EOF
?package(xVOCP): \
That.  The package is VOCP, not xVOCP...
AHA!!! Thank you very much.

But I need to add maybe three more menu files in the same package, should
all of them be "?package(VOCP):" ?
Yes.  They can even be in the same file in /usr/lib/menu.


How do you do that?

Here's my latest spec file: http://oe.ods.org/VOCP.spec
Have all the cats append to the same file instead of different ones. You could take Austin's suggestion and do ?package(%name): to make sure those don't ever get screwed up, and you could also do cat > %{buildroot}/%{_menudir}/%name << EOF

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