måndagen den 17 februari 2003 06.06 skrev Jean-Michel Dault:
> I always knew bugzilla was slow, but it gets worse every day, so I
> measured it:
> time -f "%E" lynx --dump https://qa.mandrakesoft.com/query.cgi>/dev/null
> 0:25.60
> 25 seconds to load the query page... that's awful.
> Compare to some other mandrake web sites (https and http)
> time -f "%E" lynx --dump https://mandrakesecure.com >/dev/null
> 0:05.46
> time -f "%E" lynx --dump www.mandrakesoft.com >/dev/null
> 0:01.43
> I'm sure we could tweak Apache to get a bit more performance. If I can
> give a hand, let me know.

How mature is vdanens "Anthill"? Could that relace bugzilla? Can bugzilla run 
under mod_perl?

Regards // Oden Eriksson, Deserve-IT.com

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