Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Warly wrote:
>> Serge Plüss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I really do not know what to do about this, and moreover the final
>> decision will not be mine.
> Has the seperate commercial CD (for software that used to be on CD3 in
> 9.0 packs) with hdlists on the download CD idea been considered? If all
> proprietary drivers (NVidia, ATI, winmodem) are on there, and it is
> chooseable from the download ISOs, it might be an easy way to sell CDs
> to those who download. Specially if
> 1)proprietary driver setup would work in install with download ISOs +
> commercial CD
> 2)proprietary driver setup is easy after install with the commercial CD.
> 3)Commercial CD/Mandrake Club is listed as an easy way to install these
> when relevant hardware is found.

Forward it to decision makers. 

I do not really favor the fact of using proprietary things to lead
user to mandrakeclub. Mandrakeclub is mainly to help Mandrakesoft
develop free software, and if we need to use proprietary arguments to
have enough money to live, maybe the fight is already lost.


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