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  I just noticed that the KDE artwork package has been rejected for 9.1. IMO 
this is a very very poor judgement. As my associate editor noted in his 
review of 9.0, a distribution aimed at the desktop should have a selection of 
screensavers. Now, the last I checked, if the user clicks next all the way 
through "Mandrake FirstTime" without answering any questions, the system will 
default to KDE. Likewise, you prefer the KDE dm (or the modified version 
there of), so why is it that MDK is including screensavers for other 
environments (xscreensaver) but not for KDE? I don't mean to sound harsh, but 
I think this is a really bad mistake. 

  Personally, I'd get rid of some of the fancy xmms plugins, and provide the 
more basic stuff first.
  Likewise, why is something as *critically* important as OpenOffice.org 
documentation being left out? Normal users need documentation, and normal 
users using Mandrake will probably be using OO.o more consistantly than most 
other applications. This is the kind of mistake that could hurt MDK's 
reputation, I think.

  Just a quick glance yields many included packages that seem somewhat 
frivilous compared to OO.o documentation:

MandrakeLinux9.1-download-1 xmms-mesa-1.2.7-16mdk.i586
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-2 xfishtank-2.1tp-6mdk.i586
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 xearth-1.1-12mdk.i586
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 xine-plugins-1-0.beta4.1mdk.i586
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 xine-ui-aa-0.9.18-1mdk.i586
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 xine-ui-fb-0.9.18-1mdk.i586
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 xmms-diskwriter-1.2.7-16mdk.i586
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 xmms-more-vis-plugins-unsafe-1.6.0-2mdk.i586
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 mplayer-skins-1.3-4mdk.noarch

  Still other things make sense, but in a distribution primarily used on 
desktops, makes less sense than OO.o documentation:

MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 php-manual-de-4.3.0-2mdk.noarch
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 php-manual-en-4.3.0-2mdk.noarch
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 php-manual-es-4.3.0-2mdk.noarch
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 php-manual-fr-4.3.0-2mdk.noarch
MandrakeLinux9.1-download-3 php-manual-it-4.3.0-2mdk.noarch

  And if Mandrake is server focused now, why is mod_perl-common being 

  Another option would be to move certain -devel packages only onto the FTP 
site. Knowledgable users, those who might deal with those packages, will know 
where to get them. For example:

MandrakeLinux9.1-download-2 koffice-devel-1.2.1-6mdk.i586

  How many people actually ever even need koffice-devel versus KDE 
screensavers or OpenOffice.org documentation? Very few.

  In summary, I think MandrakeSoft needs to reconsider some of the ommissions. 
Things like Screen Savers and Wallpaper (kdeartwork) are things that are 
being HYPED as *FEATURES* by other desktop distributions, whereas very few 
people coming in to Mandrake Linux (relatively speaking) are going to use the 
XMMS diskwriter plugin or the xearth background. 

  Likewise, if MandrakeSoft wants to be taken seriously on the business 
desktop, things like OO.o documentation are FAR more important than MPlayer 
skins. Telling a CIO that "Sorry, we don't include OO.o documentation 'cuz 
MPlayer skins rulez" isn't going to work (sorry for the over dramatization, 
but I think it shows the irony). 

   In summary, considering that 9.1 is probably the most critical release in 
MandrakeSoft's history (IMO), I think it is necessary not to go and make the 
same mistakes that happened last time around. Stuff like kdeartwork was 
complained about all over the place after last release, and OO.o 
documentation could very well become a very sore point that tarnish's 9.1's 
reputation. Is xearth and some XMMS visualisations worth this?


- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Timothy R. Butler                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universal  Networks                       http://www.uninet.info
Christian Portal and Search Tool:       http://www.faithtree.com
Enterprise Open Source Journal:               http://www.ofb.biz
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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