
Mandrake Linux Cooker-i586 20030223  8:04
/ChangeLog/1.791/Fri Feb 21 21:58:09 2003//

This is a new installation of Cooker with Am-English and am-keyboard, and no 
other fuss.

First I have noticed that after leaving 'Summary' the window for cervices pops 
up again, although this was visited in the part of 'Summary'.

Sound is fine when no UTF8 is here to fix pbs. Observe that this installation 
is done on exactly the same mirror as the 'Swedish' one was.

When using mc in pure console mood, everything is perfect.

When starting the xserver with startx I get directly into KDE, not IceWM as 
when in UTF8.

When doing a reboot in UTF8 from console I get a ";R" and then it hangs, when 
I hit enter, I get a sign saying that bash doesn't understand the ;. When 
giving Ctrl-Alt-Del again it stops. Hitting enter again it starts going down. 
My estimate is that it has problem reading two bytes codes.

When booting the program sets ServerName in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to This is not set in my 9.0 which is not updated to the latest 
cups because then I loose printing in 9.0 too.

To my perception UTF8 is a messy beast, according to the Gnumeric team they 
were not willing to solve for UTF8 in gnumeric-1.0.12-1mdk, they recommended 
gnumeric-1.1.x, because of trouble with gimp printing.


Mandrake Linux Cooker 9.1 'US'  kernel-

Only in a society that has 'a priori' defined what is true
can the evolution of life be defined false.

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