I've had exactly the same issue. When you rebuild the openldap package on your box, with only the BR installed it will work with your current


BuildRequires, of course! Who can do without it?

DB. The package in cooker also works, but you'll first need to export your DB to a .ldiff file and then import it into a fresh(?) database. Nice upgrade path for the people using a mandrake box as an LDAP server... It's sad, but true.

Hm - so I've got to "rpmbuil --rebuild openldap-2.0.27-4mdk.src.rpm", install this package and it will be able to read the currently installed DB?

It does on my box... Want my openldap-servers package?

ah... why not scrap the LDAP / SASL / Kerberos and all the other distributed security related stuff. Security doesn't bring anything... it only costs money..

We need more eye candy... Sex sells. Bring up the desktop pr0n!


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