------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-06 03:11 -------
I spent my evening reading mplayer source code.
I found a nasty bug dealing with x11 window events.
When a WM_DELETE_WINDOW event occurs, mplayer does nothing, but the window is
deleted bye the window manager, so mplayer quits with a broken pipe.
This event should be handled in the "int vo_x11_check_events(Display
*mydisplay)" function, in libvo/x11_common.c".
In switch(Event.tpe), we should add the following code :
            case ClientMessage:
               if ([0] == XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW) {
                   fprintf(stderr, "ClientMessage with XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW\n");
                   // properly quit

But, in order to receive this event, we must add after the creation of the
window something like this :
    WM_DELETE_WINDOW = XInternAtom(d, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", True);
   (void)XSetWMProtocols(d, w, &XA_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, 1);

I've tried to put all this in x11_common.c, but whithout success.
Perhaps should I contact Mplayer developpers.

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When I close mplayer window from the window title bar by clicking on the cross
icon, mplayer can't quit properly :
Fatal signal: Broken Pipe (SDL Parachute Deployed)
This error occurs only when I'm using SDL audio output.
It doesn't occurs when i use SDL video output without SDL audio output.
So it must be a bug that deals with SDL_mixer.
Strangly enough, there isn't any error when I close mplayer by hitting the ESC key !


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