On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, John Keller wrote:

> This is a re-send; the message didn't appear to go through before, and I
> have to leave the office. Apologies for the dup of my own, if the original
> also comes through.
> ----------
> Could someone with the famous edit_bug ability tag these as duplicates:
> 896
> 1221
> 1431
> 1787
> 2329

Marked 1221,1431 and 2329 as dupes of 1787.

> #1787 has a user comment that it's been fixed in CVS. #896 was already
> closed. As I stated in #1221, I think that the scrollbars *should* be there
> because of potentially long localized strings.
> Just looking through bugs and trying to help consolidate...


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