------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-03-08 14:54 -------
I run it as suid root       to enable realtime 
chmod u+s /usr/bin/artswrapper 
but dont enable  full duplex  in kde sound config 
it was know to prevent artsd to suspend correctly. 

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------- Reminder: -------
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The artsd process cannot be lanched with real-time priority (nice level always
at 0 even if you set "real-time" in the KDE config module). The consequence is
that the sound is cut and hashed when you move a window, open a program, or
anything that use CPU ressources (even if not 100% of your CPU is used - I have
this problem on a PIII866 with 256Mo RAM...)

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