On Saturday 08 March 2003 09:19, Austin wrote:
> Well, since 9.1 should be out next week, and most of the
> kernel/alsa/jack problems seem to be cleared up, I'd like to present
> the howto for setting up a digital audio workstation with Mandrake 9.1.
> ...
> see http://groundstate.ca/mdkaw.html

This is very cool. The main reason my Mac still exists (and isn't running 
linux) is for music. I'm pretty sure the day is coming when I can put it in a 
closet, and your document helps bring that day closer--so thanks.

And now, here's probably more feedback than you were looking for....

One global comment: this is geared toward someone who wants to run a home 
recording studio, and it does an excellent job at explaining that, but there 
are at least three other tasks it barely touches on:

1. Music composition. You can't replace a Mac running Cubase or Logic with 
linux software yet, but Rosegarden is getting there. It would be good to 
describe Rosegarden (you list it as a score editor--which is all 2.x was good 
at--but that's it), and to mention what they can and can't do with linux 

2. Live music. You can already bring a linux laptop or rackmount on the road 
if you just want to use it to play backing tracks and/or run a single 
software synth (although again, you can't yet do everything many musicians 
are doing today with Cubase or Logic on a Powerbook).

3. DJ'ing. A linux laptop can plug into a mixer in place of a CD deck or 
turntable easily, and this might be worth mentioning (although probably 
anyone who's thought of this knows that xmms will do the job as well as 
WinAmp). But ideally, you want to replace the mixer, too. A two-output 
soundcard can provide your main and monitor, and all the mixing can be done 
in software. You can do everything you need today in Windows (even including 
external controllers packages with the software, in some cases), and linux 
should be there very soon.

4. Post-processing, 5.1 mixdown, integration with video, etc. Linux can't 
replace Nuendo (or ProTools) yet for this, but it probably won't be too long.

I think the focus on recording is appropriate, if only because that's what 
linux is best at. If you're in a band makes music without a computer, and 
wants to record that music, linux today can do that (nearly) as well as MacOS 
or Windows, for less money, and almost as easily. 

I'd like to see a brief section on "what linux can't do yet," a little more on 
"other audio-related stuff you can do with linux," and maybe a different 
subtitle ("A guide to creating a professional quality audio recording 
workstation with free software" would get the idea across).

One comment on sound cards:

> Really, most sound cards offer adequate sound quality to do home recording. 

If you're doing everything inside the computer, this is true. However, if 
you're going to have signals going in and out, it's not. First, most sound 
cards handle 44KHz 16-bit sound, while the computer can work with (say) 96KHz 
32-bit sound. 

You cannot tell the difference between the two (many people claim they can, 
but try blind tests on them and you'll see the truth). However, if the music 
is downsampled repeatedly, especially if it's converted between analog and 
digital as well, you can tell the difference in the end.

Also, if you're planning to record to, say, both CD and DAT, downsampling from 
48K to 44K (or vice-versa) has noticeable effects; downsampling from 96K to 
either, there's no issue.

If you plan to do a lot of work with analog outboard gear (or if you use 96K 
digital outboard gear), consider spending more money on the soundcard. And 
here's where it's very important to verify the linux support for each card; 
most low-end cards works well on linux, but only a few high-end cards do.

Also, if you have a mid/high-range video card, you may want to consider 
getting a heat-sink/shield for it. This has the added advantage of making 
your computer quieter and cooler.

Now, one comment on outboard gear:

> If you're really serious, use as much outboard gear as you can. 

I disagree. You want to use as _little_ outboard gear as you can.

Every pass through the D/A or A/D introduces artifacts. 

Every meter of analog cable, and every device/cable connection, introduces 
attenuation and interference. Professional studios have the experience, the 
space, the money, and the design freedom to eliminate interference far better 
than you'll be able to.

And, unless you buy top-of-the-line equipment, the gear you use is going to 
degrade the sound itself.

But everything you do inside the computer is perfectly loss-free. If your 
audio goes into the computer (through a mic or line in), then never leaves 
again until it's burnt on a CD (or whatever the final disposition), it will 
sound much better, for much less money and less work.

Plus, there's an added advantage: You can use cheap gear for most of the 
process. You'll still need a good setup to hear it all while you're doing the 
final mixdown, but it may be worth renting an hour or two of studio time for 
this anyway (unless you have the money and experience to set up a studio 
properly, it's going to be better than whatever you do), or get a friend with 
better gear let you use his setup for a day. But for everything that leads up 
to that, quality doesn't matter, if you stay digital.

Of course if your sources are analog--guitars, vocals, etc.--you still need to 
have a good sound card while you're recording them. For electronic music, 
this may be something you can do all at once--again, rent a studio or go to a 
friend's house--and then everything between that stage and the mixdown can be 
done on a laptop on the bus if you want. 

For traditional music, you can't get away with this, so your soundcard is the 
most important component: You want good A/D, and ideally multiple inputs (so 
you don't need to submix). And of course you want good cables here; any noise 
that's there at the start is there all the way through.

> Use a real mixer, not your soundcard's mixer. 

True, you don't want to use your soundcard's mixer; that's usually atrocious. 
But you don't want a real mixer either, if you can help it. Do it in 
software, whenever possible.

If you need multiple outputs (e.g., to use outboard effects), mix down to as 
many outputs as you need. If your final recording is going to be analog 
(why?), you may need a mixer for the final stage; otherwise, send the outs 
back into the computer and mix them in software.

There are two advantages to outboard mixers, but both can be easily overcome.

First, outboard mixers give you control. If you're trying to adjust levels on 
the fly, operating by sound and feel, a mouse doesn't cut it; a bank of 
sliders (or wheels, if you prefer) is necessary. But you can buy external 
controller devices ranging from a simple slider box to a ProTools-style desk, 
that will give you the feel and control you need, and send all the signals 
digitally (through MIDI, if nothing better) to the computer. I don't know if 
linux software can handle this as well as Cubase, ProTools, etc., but if so, 
this is the way to go.

Second, outboard mixers don't use up your processing power. If you're trying 
to play as many tracks as you can, and run as many software synths and 
effects as you can, and do all the mixing at the same time, your computer may 
not be up to the task. The simple answer is to take the money you would have 
spent on a mixer and improve your computer, but there are limits (both 
financial limits--when you're near the top end, every little improvement 
costs a lot--and hard limits to today's technology). However, you can always 
break down the tasks. Record the software synths to audio (one at a time, if 
necessary), and do the same with the channel effects. You can even submix a 
few channels at a time, if your computer is really weak, then add master 
effects in a separate pass. It's a little more of a hassle with a low-end 
computer, but you get better sound quality. (And really, if you can't afford 
anything better than a low-end computer, you can't afford a decent mixer 

If you are going to spend a bunch of money on a good mixer, get one with 
digital ins and outs--and digital control, so you can record and sequence 
everything you do on the mixer (very useful as a starting point if you later 
make changes to the music, or want to play it live).

You may want an external submixer for mic input, but in some price ranges, a 
dedicated single-channel pre-amp may be a better buy. Or a sound card with 
decent mic inputs.

Finally, here's my take on what linux doesn't do (or, why my Mac isn't in the 

1. Effects and soft synths. On a Mac or PC, just about any sound, and any 
effect, that you want is available as a VST plugin. Many of them are 
expensive, but with a decent computer and the right plugins, you can get rid 
of all your synths and outboard effects. Linux doesn't support VST, and there 
are plenty of things that haven't been done (or done as well) for LADSPA yet. 
And this will probably be true for some time. Two attempted workarounds (my 
port of the VST SDK and GUI to linux to allow source porting, and another 
group's WINElib-based binary wrapper) both failed (partly because of 
difficult licensing issues). Linux also doesn't support TDM/RTAS or DirectX, 
two competing plugin standards. I sold most of my synths because I can do the 
same thing on my Mac; if I switched to linux, I'd have to buy them back.

2. Cubase/Logic/etc. There are a handful of good sequencer workstation 
products, and one of these is indispensable for making music on the computer 
(at least certain styles of making music--there are people who do everything 
in Reason, or run external sequencers and do everything else in ProTools, 
etc.). You need to handle MIDI, audio, and soft-synth sequencing; control 
your software synths and effects; interact with external control devices; and 
tie it all together in a way an electronic musician can use. Rosegarden is 
getting there--in fact, for people who don't make computer-based electronic 
music, or who are new to it, it may already be there--but I don't think any 
Cubase- or Logic-junkie will be able to switch yet.

3. mLAN. Connecting outboard audio devices requires lossy analog audio 
connections. Outboard instruments and controllers either use MIDI for 
control, with all the latency that implies, or use some proprietary format, 
and they often use analog cables for audio, with all the attentuation and 
interference that implies. Plus, you end up with a huge mess of cables (and 
you have to lay them carefully). Yamaha (with Steinberg and a slew of other 
partners) have put a lot of work into mLAN, which carries everything over a 
single 1394 cable, with digital patching. (Digi has a their own 1394-based 
standard as well.) Unfortunately, it only works with MacOS. Since mLAN is far 
from being an established standard, this doesn't affect most people yet, but 
not far down the road, I can foresee this being an area where linux falls 
short of Mac and Windows.

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