Le Dimanche 9 Mars 2003 00:39, Jean-Michel Dault a écrit :
> Le sam 08/03/2003 à 19:42, Guillaume Rousse a écrit :
> > > > Just an infinite wait for the reply, whereas the script runs
> > > > correctly from command line. Nothing in the logs, neither error nor
> > > > access. I tried the ScriptLog directive without any further success.
> > >
> > > What kind of CGI is that? perl? bash? C?
> >
> > Perl.
> > Who is fool enough for C CGI :-) ?
> I don't know, but it doesn't help me more.. could you please be more
> vague? ;-)
I could try :-)

> Is that a standard CGI, or something that you created, is it possible to
> have a copy so I can duplicate the problem? Do you get the same results
> with other CGI? Do you run suexec? What does that CGI do? etc. etc.
No, it's my own work. I could describe it as a web interface over a PostgreSQL 
database. If you're really interested, i guess it would be easier for me to 
open you an account on my box to test the problem. 

It works fine under apache 1 (meaning: eventually crashing normally), but 
behaves strangely under apache 2, whereas some parameters combination make it 
runs in the background without ever returning result to the client. In those 
cases, i have distinct perl process, as well as idle DBI connection listed 
among other process in ps output.

Everything seems to OK now that i've switched to mod_cgid
Any cool program always requires more memory than you have. 
        -- Murphy's Computer Laws n°2

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