...and have no idea why. The mouse stops moving, the keyborad stops responding and its 
reset button time. My system was running solid (with the exception of a couple bugs of 
course) up to yesterday after the whole thing went down the sh*tter.
I'd been on for about three days straight till yesterday with no major probs so it 
must have been something i installed yesterday. The only things I can think of 
installing are UT2003 it's definitely not that because i haven't started it since the 
first lockup and I've had three more since. 
I installed kpackage agin to see if the dependency problem had been fixed (it hasn't) 
but that's probably not it. I haven't installed/upgraded any X related files. The only 
other kdepackage i can remeber installing are the mandrake galaxy starter box and the 
(new, fixed) mandrake galxy theme. 
Since it's caused other problems I'm leaning towards mandrake-galaxy theme as my prob, 
but realsitically how much problems can a theme cause.
I've also been building an rpm for mandrake and the lockups only seem to happen 
*while* building it (actually two of the times the screensaver was on when the lockup 
occured so I'm not terribly sure about that). Xchat 2 was also in use during (as well 
as konqueror, konsole) for all the crashes. 
My vid card may just have decided to go schizo, but that's unlikely because I've been 
having absolutely NO problems with it since I upgraded to RC2. It was actaully working 
better in RC2 (no lockups when playing UT2003). Yes i have the nvidia proprietary 
drivers (4191) but I'm sure this isn't it.
Skepticism aside I'm going to test my mandrake galxy theory but i doubt it'll solve 
anything. I also installed a  howto and mandrake docs. Doubt that did it :-)
If you have any idea of what may be wrong puh-lease write me (or this thread). And 
since I'm pretty sure it's a recent package causing the problem could any of you mdk 
devs out there tell me if there is any way (package, utility) to find out which rpms 
got installed in the past few days. Thanks. Laterz
You are not dead yet.  But watch for further reports.

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