Hello friends,
This is my system for keeping track of frozen left overs. I live alone, so when cooking something llike spaghetti with beef and tomato sauce I usually end up with enough to feed about 6 people and don't like to keep leftovers in the fridge more than a day and don't like eating the same thing day after day. Hence the leftovers. I categorise them by the container - complete meal in deep square box, main course needing fresh vegetable to be added in shallow square box, main dish soup in round container, etc. Then to define the type, e g chicken, beef, etc, one elastic, two elastics, crossed elastic, etc. Then on a digital recorder, or you could list them in your computer, I list something like this:
full meal, chicken rice and peas, one elastic, November 8.
Or: spaghetti with beef and sauce, add vegetable, crossed elastic, November 6.
Each as a separate message, so that it can vbe deleted when used.
Then containers of same shape are stored on top of one another in freezer
I use the cheap plastic containers from the dollar store and keep suitable plastic containers from such things as sour cream or soft margarine, thus having distinct shapes to use for particular categories of food.
I hope this makes sense to you, if not, I can give further examples.

Regards to all,
Vancouver, Canada.

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