1 can Eagle Brand milk
3 lemons
3 eggs, separated (save whites for meringue)
1 graham cracker crust
enough vanilla wafers to go around top of pie after filling
cream of tartar
granulated sugar

In a mixing bowl, beat egg yolks until creamy. Add milk and juice from lemons (remove seeds first). I like adding a little extra lemon juice for a kick.

Mixture will thicken on its own. Pour into graham cracker crust and arrange vanilla wafers around top of crust.

To make meringue: Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add 2 teaspoons cream of tartar. Mix well.

Add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time until desired sweetness. Pour over top of filling and bake in 375°F oven until nice and brown. Allow to cool before cutting.

*This was one of my mother's favorite pie recipes. Yes, it's fattening, but oh so delicious. Hope you enjoy!

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