Jessica, in the earlier e-mail, I told you that there is nothing wrong with
using your fingers. Think of it this way. Don't sighted people see their
food with their eyes? Don't they look to see if they have eaten everything
on their plates if they are members of the so called, " clean plate club?"
Charles said it best. Your fingers are your eyes. If this is true, and
having been blind my entire life, I believe that this is true, there's
nothing wrong with using your fingers.
----- Original Message -----
From: "jessica" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [CnD] cutting food
I can not get help from a rehab teacher.
sent from my BrailleNote
----- Original Message -----
From: Allison Fallin <
To: Cooking in the Dark <
Date sent: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 17:42:36 -0600
Subject: Re: [CnD] cutting food
Hi Jessica,
I know how hard it is, particularly as a teenager, to not be
worried about how things look. Your concern reminds me of a
story my husband tells. When he was in his late teens, his older
brother urged him to use a cane or dog. He was reluctant,
because it would make him look blind. As his brother said:
"well, you are blind, and people can see that." Once he thought
about it, he knew that was true.
I came in late on this thread, so you may have answered this.
Can you get any help from a rehab teacher? It's hard to have
family members teach you, at least it was for me.
One further thought. Given the state of the airline industry
right now, you won't have to worry about cutting food on a plane.
You never have to cut peanuts, assuming you even get those. Lol.
Allison Fallin
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