Now, there are schools that are going to ban kids from even bringing flaming hot cheetos to school. The snacks will be confiscated. Their reasoning? The snacks have no nutritional value, they are salty, and studies have shown that they, might???, have the same effects on kids as alcohol or drugs. The key word was separated by punctuation, including those question marks. In other words, they're not sure about the findings yet. Come on, you idiots! To a certain point, isn't the term "healthy snacks" an oxymoron? What is the purpose of a snack? It's supposed to taste good! If it is healthy, so much the better, but does it have? to be?? Schools should focus on education, and they should not be nutrition police. We don't pay them to keep our kids healthy. We pay them to educate our kids, and they're not doing that, either! It's getting ridiculous! Parents should take care of the kids' diets, and schools should take care of kids' education. They should work together for the betterment of the kids, but the schools, in this case, are going way! to! far!

If you live in the United States, are you better off than you were 4 years ago? If not, you can help change that. Election time is rapidly approaching. Do research, and think before you vote. Our future depends on our wisdom or lack thereof. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Dickhoner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [CnD] School Treats and Related Issues!

There are some people who say that we need to get off this subject. This is a cooking site to be sure, but we also need to vent.

I'm glad to know that there are others who have responded and feel that it is a sad day when we are limited on what kids can take to school.

Our church has pot luck meals often. We know the people, and there is no question as to what is brought.

That's another story for another time.

Tom Dickhoner

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy <>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 2:23 AM
Subject: [CnD] School Treats and Related Issues!

Some times, kids swap things in their lunch boxes with friends.
More and more, more nutritious choices are being enforced, with Michelle
Obama and the kids physical fitness issue and weight management, eating
healthier, etc. Like Katie stated, the cleanliness of the kitchens at home
is a factor, but then, again, that can stretch anywhere, like to church
potlucks, for that! Matter, plus, the very possibility of people sneaking
contraband into the cakes, cookies, brownies, etc. very sad, and
unfortunate, but just sign of the times, the world we live in!

Let two! grins! grow! where one! grouch! was before!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jay
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: [CnD] School Treats

Hello Shira,

It's not just the U.S. who have such rules regarding children's
allowable foods and snacks.
Here in Canada our laws are very similar in many ways.  But the
reasons given by our schools and other officials tell us that the
main reason is related to the increase in allergic reactions by some
children to specific types of food contents.
For example, since about 1 in 100 people may have some allergy to
peanuts, it is now illegal for anyone to supply peanuts, or peanut
butter, or any food with any peanut content to any child outside
their own home.
The reason they state that packaged foods are necessary is
theoretically to allow the teacher, or other supervisory staff, to
read the contents to determine if the child should be allowed to keep
that particular item.
I suppose the fear is that if any child has a food product that may
contain anything anyone might be allergic to, there is a possibility
that the allergic child could come in contact with that item and
suffer health problems in the process.
One question I must ask myself is, why would someone's allergic child
come in contact with my child's lunch?  Is theft so rampant now that
it's simply expected that anything taken to a school by my child is
more than likely to be taken from him by another child?
Yes, the entire issue is a definite statement about what our society
is becoming.

At 05:54 AM Thursday 10/18/2012, you wrote:
Wow, it's really sad!!!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Katie Chandler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [CnD] School Treats

Some of it is that reason, but, it is also, a health thing. Some
children's parents may not be so clean in there kitchen, or in
their personal hygiene of washing their hands and etc. So if some
things were cooked in a dirty kitchen and etc it could cause food
poisoning or etc also.  One never knows unless they know the
person  personally, and, there is sometimes to many people that are
like that, along with the crazy people that put things in foods or
snacks to pass out to children, razor blades, poison,drugs, and
etc.  It is a real shame that our world has become like that.  It
never use to have that kind of fear that people would do things like that
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