This is one of my favorite crock pot recipes...
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04
      Title: Crock Pot Pizza
 Categories: Crock pot
      Yield: 8 Servings
  1 1/2 lb Ground meat
      1 cn Pizza sauce (14 oz)
      1 pk Noodles (12 oz)
      4 oz Cheese, mozzarella
      1 cn  Mushrooms
      1 md Onion
      1 cn Spaghetti sauce (14 oz)
      4 oz Cheese, cheddar
      1 pk Pepperoni; sliced
      1 md  bell pepper
  Brown meat and onion. Drain grease. Add sauces. Simmer. Boil noodles
  until tender; drain. In crock pot, put a layer of noodles, meat
  mixture, cheeses and pepperoni. Repeat layer one more time. Cook on
  high for 30 minutes, then on low for 1 hour or until cheese melts.
  This may also be baked in a 350 oven until cheese melts.
  Jane Becker, Charles City, IA
  Iowa REC News, May 1992
Supreme Pizza Variation: Add Canadian bacon, black olives, Italian sausage,
and whatever else is commonly encountered on a pizza, or anything you prefer
on a pizza. On the top layer, shake an even layer of parmesan cheese before
baking or putting in the crock pot.

Legend of unit of measure codes
bn      bunch
bt bottle
c       cup 
cn      can
dr      drop
ds      dash
ea      each
g       gallon
lb      pound
lg      large
md      medium
oz      ounce
pk      package
pn      pinch
pt      pint
qt      quart
sm      small
tb      tablespoon
ts      teaspoon

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