I'm slow at just about everything in the kitchen, and one task that seems to take forever is drying lettuce. I always buy romaine, or other leaf lettuce. I ask my husband to get whichever kind looks freshest, as long as it's not iceberg. I like to make sure I clean it thoroughly, so I take the whole head apart when I wash it. I've read that you need to dry lettuce completely before storing, so it will last longer.

I have a salad spinner, which gets rid of some of the excess water, but the leaves are still wet. I lay them out on towels to drain for a while, but I end up painstakingly drying them one at a time with paper towels. Some varieties have so many folds and creases where the water collects.

I store my lettuce in vented containers, but after all the time I spend drying it, the leaves are wet again when I take them out.

 Any suggestions for drying lettuce thoroughly, without taking so long?

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