Hi all,

When cooking today, a square piece of paper towel fell on the stove and started to burn. I, in my infinite wisdom, didn't just pick it up and throw it in the sink next to me; instead I picked it up and ran for the other sink, which was about ten steps or so away, shaking the paper towel wildly as I went. As you can tell, it did get worse, and by the time I got to the other sink, it was blazing. I threw it toward the sink, but it flipped in the air and landed on the rug. It went out very quickly, but it did manage to burn the rug a bit.

First, lessons for those that might not have experienced such a thing:

1. Always keep your cool. Losing your cool will lead to making stupid decisions in the heat of the moment. 2. Never shake a burning paper towel. It will cause the paper towel to burn even worse. 3. Do not throw a paper towel. Drop it. Throwing will just make it flip around in the air and land on the ground. Try throwing a paper towel (one that hopefully isn't burning); you'll see what I mean. 4. If you burn your hand, quickly stick it in cold water for five minutes for first degree burns, and ten minutes for second degree burns. Most burns in the kitchen are first-degree, but if you feel the lower layer of your skin has also been burned, keep your hand in cold water for ten minutes.

Now, on to my question.

Since my parents don't know I've made such a mess, and they will probably figure it out once they get home in two days or so, what do you suggest I do to fix the burned rug? It is a very small spot, about the length of my middle finger.

Hope this helps someone, and someone can help me in return! :)
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