Fried Mexican Ice Cream


1 pint vanilla ice cream


1/2 cup crushed corn flakes or cookie crumbs


1 teaspoon cinnamon


2 teaspoon sugar


1 egg


Oil for frying




Whip cream


Text Mex Servings 4-5


Scoop out 4 or 5 balls of ice cream. Return to freezer. Mix crumbs, cinnamon
and sugar. Roll frozen ice cream in half the crumb mixture and freeze again.
Beat egg and dip coated balls in egg, then roll again in remaining crumbs.
Freeze until ready to use (for thicker coating repeat dipping in egg and
rolling in crumbs). When ready to serve, heat oil to 350 degrees. Place a
ice cream ball on a fryer basket or on a perforated spoon and lower into hot
oil 1 minute. Immediately remove and place on dessert compote. Drizzle with
honey and dab with whipped cream. Continue to fry balls one at a time. Balls
will be crunchy on the outside and just beginning to melt on the inside.



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