Hi Gary,

Here are a couple of suggestions:

Put about 1/2 cup of water in the bottom of your crockpot.
put a layer of small potatoes in the bottom
cover them with apple slices
next layer is your meat. make sure to season with  salt and pepper first
top with your sauerkraut
cook on low for 8-10  hours.

no. 2:

place a layer of bacon in the bottom
then cover with half a  small onion that has been sliced.
Core and peel a medium apple place half of it for your next layer.
Next is your roast.
Over it is the sauerkraut.
finally, layer the remaining onions and apple slices.
Pour half a cup of apple or orange juice over the top.

I saw several recipes that suggested sprinkling brown sugar over the top too.
I don't like very sweet so I never add any additional sugar.
If it seems dry after 8 hours add a little more liquid.

Cook on low for 8-10 hours.

Your house will smell absolutely wonderful!!!
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