
Thanks for this. I grew up in Queens and I am 99% certain we had an Ebinger’s 
bakery too which was phenominal! There is no comparison these days to the old 
New York style bakeries of days gone by. I won’t be making this cake since it 
has too many steps for my liking, but it sounds really good.


From: Jude DaShiell via Cookinginthedark
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2019 3:06 AM
To: cookinginthedark@acbradio.org
Cc: Jude DaShiell
Subject: [CnD] taste of home: brooklyn black cake

Taste Of Home is the most popular food magazine in America since
all recipes it publishes either in its magazine or books have to
go in the food lab first.  If a recipe as originally written
fails to come out as advertised or expected the food lab works
with the recipe and corrects that recipe before publishing.  The
background of Brooklyn Black Cake happened because during
World War II., the United States Navy was using Brooklyn Navy
Yard and harbor facilities for the war effort after  the Navy
made peace with Lucky Luciano and the Mafia.  Black outs were
frequent to protect our ships from Nazi Submarines and
workers in Brooklyn decided if we can't work we can at least
eat.  Brooklyn  Black Cake was made to fill that need.  So,
here's the url:



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