Yesterday I cooked a frozen Marie Callender pot pie. This one was chicken,
bacon, cheese, gravy, and probably a lot of other things I shouldn't want to
eat. But it was one of those days here and that just sounded good.

I cooked the pie in the microwave, following its instructions except I
didn't puncture a hole in the crust. The crust puffed up mountainlike, but
did not burst and leave my new Microwave oven a mess to clean up. I'm
grateful for small favors.

It was very hot, so I was glad I had placed it on a glass plate then a paper
plate that fit inside the glass plate perfectly. Absolutely no cleanup that

I broke the neat looking crust down into the pie, and then the child in me
took over. I ate all the top crust, all the filling and left the pie shell
perfectly intact. Now I was full. My craving for chicken and gravy
satisfied. I slipped the paper plate and pie tin with its shell into a
plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator to worry about another day.

Day 2, this morning. I took out the pie shell. Then I decided to make a
breakfast pie. Most people call this quiche, but this really wasn't that.

I prepared two eggs for scrambling, added some garlic and herb seasoning and
a bit of salt and stirred it around. I added 1/8 cup of water so the egg
would mix together well, and set it aside.

I got out the grater, found the smallest potato I could, washed and grated
it. Then I took a third of an average size onion and diced it into small
dice. I mixed those together and put them in a bowl. I poured the eggs into
the bowl and mixed them well. Then I poured this into the empty pie shell,
grated some cheese, and set that aside into another bowl. I added a hand
full of frozen peas to the egg mixture, then microwaved it 4 minutes. Of
course I set it on my glass plate with the paper plate on top of the glass.
No need to create a mess after all. I put the grated cheese on top, with
care because it was very hot. Then I crumbled a strip of bacon from
yesterday morning's breakfast and sprinkled it over the cheese.

I returned it to the microwave and cooked it for one more minute to melt the
cheese and warm the bacon bits.

Now the whole thing is history and the verdict is that it tasted very good.
The crust did not overcook as I feared it might.

In the future, if I am feeling childish enough to eat the insides of the pie
and leave the crust, I can go for it without guilt, knowing I can create
something yummy with the leftover crust on another day.

I hope all of you have a good day too.

Pamela Fairchild 



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