If I can do it in the microwave, I will and I've experimented a lot.

You can sauté onions in just a tiny bit of water in the microwave. Heat, stir, 
heat a bit more, stir a bit more. You can steam vegies just with the water that 
clings to them after rinsing. You can cook pasta if you stir it and keep it 

You need one of those crisper dishes if you want to brown something, but most 
other cooking chores, I find easier to do in the microwave. Especially if I'm 
preparing something for oven baking or the crockpot, it's quicker to just use 
the microwave.

It's healthier too -- less grease than frying. Our breakfast is often a toasted 
English muffin with cheese and ham piled inside and microwaved for about twenty 

Even if I'm making something on the stove I often preheat ingredients like milk 
or butter in the microwave to save cooking time so I'm dumping only hot 
ingredients in to the pot.

You can also scramble an egg in a coffee cup -- my niece makes muffins in the 
microwave in coffee cups and has promised to send me that recipe.

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