(Note that this one isn't a pure "refrigerator style, as it involves heat
and canning)

Title: Polish Dill Pickles 
Categories: Pickles, Vegetables
Servings: 1
      1 pt small pickling cucumber
      1 ts dill seed
      1 ea garlic clove
      1 ea sprig dill weed, pretty (optional)
      4 ea coriander seeds
      ½ ts mustard seeds
      1 sm bay leaf
    1/8 ts hot pepper flakes
       ½ c  white vinegar
      ½ c  water
     1 ½ ts pickling salt

Wash and scrub cucumbers. Trim stem and blossom end. Leave small cucumbers
whole, or slice into spears or sandwich slices as desired. All cucumbers in
a jar should be similar in size and thickness.

Add seasonings, except salt, to 1 pint wide mouthed jar. Pack firmly with
cucumbers, leaving a ½" headspace.

Combine vinegar, water, and salt in a small sauce pan. Heat until boiling.
Ladle into jar to cover cucumbers - again, leave a ½" headspace.

Seal jar with sterilized two piece cap, and process in a boiling water bath
for 10 minutes (15 minutes for quarts).

Wait 4-6 weeks before tasting to allow pickles to cure. Refrigerate after

(I laid out the recipe for a single pint of pickles to make the spices
easier to list - you will want to scale this up to make a canner full).
Source: http://texasrecipes.tumblr.com/post/45008649694/polish-dill-pickles

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