Hello Everyone,

Please forgive me for not writing an official response in first set of Ronald's 
online madness months ago, I was out of hospital after full anesthesia and it 
took me months to get back to myself.

Ronald is misery person with nothing and with no one in his life, the only joy 
that he have in his life - is for him to serve as the front person of the 
illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project".

Here is a presentation that "The Spamhaus Project" wrote on themselves (in the 
following link) and according to it Spamhaus is an illegal anonymous 
organization - they receive a massive amount of illegally obtained privacy data 
of internet users from internet companies and internet organizations on a 
regular basis - and then they share it in illegal way (without any warranty) 
with law enforcement agencies.


Ronald doesn't deny himself being part of "The Spamhaus Project", not only that 
- but his old friend Hank Nussbacher is also part of the illegal anonymous 
organization "The Spamhaus Project", Hank reminds me Judas Iscariot - Hank 
obviously have other interests - it is very sad to see a person at the age of 
Hank acting like a little child.

All the few reports that were made were made by reporters which are connected 
to "The Spamhaus Project" and that are part of "The Spamhaus Project" - not 
only that, the source of the media reports is a person in "The Spamhaus 
Project" which is the owner of that illegal twitter account: 
https://twitter.com/underthebreach , that person is a criminal according to his 
own words in his own twitter account - and that person is also a master of 
cyber influence operations (just like what Coconut Guilmette and Cheerleader 
Nussbacher are doing here, to influence public opinion without any single 
proof) - and the owner of that twitter account is also an employee of the 
israeli-based company GeoEdge which financially benefit from that media report 
because they are a direct competitor of the company using the exact same 
netblock, so now I'm explaining to you that that root of this all fake story is 
just business competition, and in addition Coconut Guilmette also attacked the 
Israeli-based company Divinetworks in Nanog (Coconut Guilmette searched an 
unreasonable way why they received a specific grant from a global world 
organization and also defamed them) - so here is why he did it - the 
Israeli-based company Divinetworks is also a direct competitor of the 
Israeli-based company GeoEdge - that their employee is a criminal and the owner 
of the illegal twitter account https://twitter.com/underthebreach and also the 
"source" for the fake few media reports.

In the following link you can see how a high manager in GeoEdge is highly proud 
in how customers attracted to him after the "low value" of competitors, if only 
the world would knew how that company does business.


That company GeoEdge is not only a criminal company in the way that they do 
business (because their criminal employee in "The Spamhaus Project" is the one 
pumped Coconut Guilmette proof-less ideas), but that company is also a criminal 
in the way that they are tax-evading since 2005 (they are registered in Cyprus 
with fake-single-owner abroad while they have more actual hidden owners in 
Israel that didn't pay any tax for their income since 2005, and one of the 
registered owners is using an international fake name and he is a professional 
money-laundering person, not only for that Israeli company).

They (Coconut Guilmette, Cheerleader Nussbacher and their mob friends at "The 
Spamhaus Project") are very very afraid of me releasing all the information 
that I found out on the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project" - 
and that is the only reason that they are attacking me personally in such way, 
they are trying to ruin my good name - but they didn't succeed and they will 
not succeed - because anyone that knows me and anyone that will personally know 
me - will know what they are trying to do and that what they are writing is 
100% false.

All the personal attack against me - is only because I dared to stood up 
against "The Spamhaus Project" which is intimidating and hurting many 
businesses online, and I would and will do it again and again and again, I'm 
not the kind of a misery bendover jew like Hank that will sell his values and 
his being for a title, a group acceptance or a few cents.

Coconut Guilmette, is not only a sick person, in body and mind, but also a 
racist and an antisemitic, you can see in the following links his stereotypical 
https://imgur.com/AcmgwEX (Coconut Guilmette opinion on all Dutch people as a 
whole - "Dutch are any more inclined toward cybercrime")
https://imgur.com/WUZvdNJ (Coconut Guilmette opinion on all Colombian Network 
Operators usage of the internet as a whole - "Undoubtedly drug smuggling over 
https://imgur.com/a/1ULfVEC (Coconut Guilmette opinion on the City of Chicago 
including all of its citizens as a whole - "American city most known for its 
high ideals and consistantly ethical behavior, Chicago")
https://imgur.com/AQCmZlk (Coconut Guilmette identified as racist in Nanog)
https://imgur.com/a/Rzrbxkz (Coconut Guilmette identified as antisemitic in 
Besides the above links, Coconut Guilmette is specifically calling me with two 
words and here he is quoting Shakespeare: https://imgur.com/AcmgwEX , the two 
words that Coconut Guilmette is calling me are being used in Shakespeare 
litrature to identify jews in an antisemitic way, Coconut Guilmette is an 
antisemitic, I'm very sorry to write it but Ripe is not a decisive organization 
towards racism or antisemitism, the Tone in Ripe management and in Ripe board 
and in this working group co-chairs, is a very narrow tone that only reflect 
the good of the people in their positions, Ripe board & management are not 
taking any actions for Ripe to be a multi-culture multi-national unpolitical 
organization that it needs to be with the tolerance to anyone and with the 
decisive intolerance to racism or antisemitism.

The encouragement of Cheerleader Nussbacher is even worst because Cheerleader 
Nussbacher is encouraging someone which is a racist and an antisemitic. Hank, 
how more self-hating jew can you be ? to support such person only to be part of 
an illegal anonymous organization ? to support racism ? to support antisemitism 
And to the rest of the community, anyone that wrote to this person - "nice 
story, but you could say it in other words" - you are a lowlife as Hank is, you 
don't treat a racist or an antisemitic person with tolerance, period. Ripe is a 
RIR which is spread over 3 continents over many countries, Ripe members are 
different from each other by all means, I would expect Ripe community not to 
tolerate racism in any way and when Ripe members see it - to stand up - like I 
dared to stand up against "The Spamhaus Project". Ron, seeing a person at your 
age that knows to get attention only by using racism and antisemitism is sad, 
but seeing the lowlife Judas Iscariot cheerleading your mental illness is 

Here are only some of the real identities of the people behind "The Spamhaus 

"Rob Shultz" - Rob McEwen (https://www.invaluement.com/)
"Thomas Morrison" - Daniel R. Thomas 
"Pete Dawes" - Ildiko Pete (https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~ip358/)
"Vincent Hanna" -  Vincent Schonau of Open-Xchange 
"Milly Fawcett" - Kelly Molloy of FarSight Security 
Among others

Commericial companies behind "The Spamhaus Project":
FarSight Security
Among others

Keep on playing with me Coconut Guilmette and Cheerleader Nussbacher and I 
guarantee to you that the full list will be written here, you can hurt me as 
much as you please - I am not boneless and will not fold like Hank "Judas 
Iscariot" Nussbacher.

The only reason that Coconut Guilmette returned to life in this thread - is 
because I wrote two days ago the real identity of "Rob Shultz" (which is Rob 
McEwen of https://www.invaluement.com/ ) to the co-chairs of this working group 
with CC to Ripe Board and to Ripe Management, I asked for the initial post of 
lies of Coconut Guilmette to be removed and I showed to them the relation of 
one of the current co-chairs of that working group to the illegal anonymous 
organization "The Spamhaus Project" which the poster Coconut Guilmette is 
related to it too. (also in the past there was a co-chair of that working group 
which is part of "The Spamhaus Project", Richard D G Cox, as you can see in his 
presentation that I linked to it above)

That is the only reason (that I revealed that "Rob Shultz" from "The Spamhaus 
Project" is Rob McEwen) that Coconut Guilmette and Boneless Nussbacher are 
personally attacking me, not only that - but soon you will also see a new fake 
media report about me from the same reporter that used the criminal 
https://twitter.com/underthebreach as his source - all of it (like it was then 
and like they are trying to do now) - is to maneuver the subject of who are the 
real people behind "The Spamhaus Project" and to which internet companies and 
internet organizations they are connected to.

"The Spamhaus Project" is an illegal anonymous organization and an unregulated 
organization, by being unregulated it is abused by the some of the members of 
it for making money, without any supervision, for example the criminal which is 
the owner of the illegal twitter account https://twitter.com/underthebreach 
that did what it did only that GeoEdge will earn a few more cents, such as 
Laura Atkins from WordToTheWise which is selling a Spamhaus listing removal 
service (https://wordtothewise.com), such as Vincent Schonau (AKA "Vincent 
Hanna" of "The Spamhaus Project") from Open-Xchange, a company that Spamhaus 
are attacking its competitors, and there are many more Spamhaus members that 
are using Spamhaus for their financial benefits. "The Spamhaus Project" - by 
being unregulated and unsupervised - is also being used as tool to attack 
business competitors, this is something that should wake up each and every 
member of the internet community.

Hank, why do you let Coconut Guilmette to do the hard work for you (of defaming 
me) ? because you know that he have nothing in his life and a lawsuit against 
him will not result any financial aid ? why are you abusing his mental illness 
? you know that he is not fine, why don't you help him like a good old friend ? 
Go ahead and write what Ron is writing so I will be able to sue you locally in 
Israel (I'm willing to pay you 100,000 NIS if you are right in a single thing 
that you wrote or that you will write against me, are you willing to do the 
same ? are you willing to put your money where your words are? or are you 
boneless that can only exploit the state of your old friend? )

I respect Ripe NCC and Respect all the members of Ripe Anti-Abuse Working Group.

(P.S.: you can recognize now any member of "The Spamhaus Project" that will 
jump now, if he will attack me or support Ron, you can just ask him a simple 
question - "show us a single proof" - and you will see that no proof will be 
displayed, because all of it is part of an illegal "cyber influence operation" 
by "The Spamhaus Project" pumped by the criminal 


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