I'm on Mac 10.5.4 with Coot pre-5 1391 (but problem was same with pre-5 986).  
I have 
reduce and probe installed.  I have .coot file setup as follows:
(set! *probe-command* "/sw/share/xtal/bin/probe")
(set! *reduce-command* "/sw/share/xtal/bin/reduce")
(set-find-hydrogen-torsion 1)
(set-do-probe-dots-on-rotamers-and-chis 1)
(set-do-probe-dots-post-refine 1)
(set-rotamer-lowest-probability 0.5)
Both probe and reduce execute when the command is issued.
If I do a real space zone refinement no molprobity dots are shown.
Yet I see in the log:
probe command "/sw/share/xtal/bin/probe" ("-mc" "-u" "-quiet" "-drop" 
"-stdbonds" "-
both" "(file1 within 10.6 of 22.95, 63.74, 29.07, not water not (chainb 
77)),file2" "file2" 
"molprobity-tmp-reference-file.pdb" "molprobity-tmp-moving-file.pdb")
I also get a coot-molprobity directory with a probe-dots.out file
The probe-dots.out has many lines of
:1->1:wc: B   2 THR  C   : B   4 ASP  OD1 
:1->1:wc: B   2 THR  C   : B   4 ASP  OD1 
:1->1:wc: B   2 THR  C   : B   4 ASP  OD1 
:1->1:wc: B   2 THR  C   : B   4 ASP  OD1 
My question is why the molprobity not being displayed on the screen.

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