I have a low-ish resolution (3.5 ) map for a membrane protein. I have been
using helical restraints heavily in pymol to do the model building (versions
0.4.2 to 0.5.1 to 0.6 pre release ) . The structure is very homologous to
something else and these are really long membrane spanning helices. So a
large part of the structure  should be helical and thats my justification
for using the restraints in coot.

I have mostly refined in refmac ( newest 5.3 ) and some in phenix. Both of
these pick the refining  restraints automagically.

My problem is that my helices look perfect in coot , with the torsions and
h-bonding looking pretty good .All the traffic lights ( with and without
torsional and ramchandran and helical restraints) are green. But pymol
simply refuses to cartoonize my "helices" as helix.

I know I can force the pymol cartoon algorithm to treat those regions as
helix but am concerned that something is not correct in the way I built my

Any clues on forcing my helices to conform to what pymols idea of a helix
is. The pymol version is also 1.0r2 and does cartoonize everything else  as

Hari Jayaram

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