Dear Don There is a program around called dssp2pdb from James Stroud which does this job.

hope it works for you

all the best

On Feb 9 2009, Don Kerkow wrote:

Hi all,

After seeing the string on secondary struct. assignment and molecular visualization, I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to produce the HELIX and SHEET records (i.e. explicit secondary struct. assignment) automatically without depositing to PDB. Obviously, I realize I could write this header manually based on the assignments I get from DSSP, but for a large structure I was hoping there is an easier way. I need this header for making accurate cartoon figures in Pymol, but I am not yet ready to deposit the structure if that is the only way to acquire such a header automatically.

Any help is much appreciated!
Don Kerkow


Martyn F. Symmons (Ph.D.)
Oppenheimer Research Fellow
Department of Pathology
University of Cambridge
Phone: 01223 333740
"Gun fhaillin 'san fhairge",
said of Griomasaigh boats.

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