Simon Kolstoe wrote:
Dear Cootbb,

As I am a crystallographer and not a programmer, could anyone suggest a bash script that will go through my hard drive deleting all the pesky "coot-backup" directories with their horribly long file names that zipping software cannot cope with? Also, in a future version of coot, would it be possible to change the names of the coot-backup files to something simpler e.g. just date and time (for instance something like 240409-1650.pdb)?

Not answering your question, but may be of some use:

Coot looks at the COOT_BACKUP_DIR environment variable. You can set it to ~/junk/coot-backup for example and all backups will be made to there. Then you have only one directory to worry about.

There are no plans for short backup file names. I don't know that gzip has any problems with coot backup file names.


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