Dear Maia,

Maia Cherney wrote:

>  I would like to use only one-button keys, so that I could use only
> one hand when fitting.

Why!? Because the other one is needed to prop up your head, maybe? :-)

I find using my left hand for keyboarding makes things way faster than clicking on icons with the right hand on the mouse.

Well, now help me with key-bindings, please. I need one or two buttons on the mouse for map dragging. Pymol and x-fit use the middle button for translation. It confuses me all the time, when I work in coot after working in pymol. Do you have any unused two-button combinations on the mouse? If it's not possible to touch the mouse buttons in the key-bindings, please help me to program arrow key for translation. Could you give me a script for that, I can't write it myself.

There are no two-button combinations ("chording") on the mouse. I have avoided them so far - it seems an esoteric interface and there have been better ways of providing the necessary functionality.

Middle mouse drag for translate could be enabled as an option, I suppose.

As for the arrow keys for translate, add the following to your ~/.coot file. You might need to tweak zsc. Be slightly careful not to overly dwell with you finger on the button if you do not have a fast processor/graphics card and have a fast key repeat.


(let* ((zsc 0.02)
        (lambda (tvm nudge ori)
          (map (lambda (e) (* nudge (apply + (map * e ori)))) tvm)))
       (f (lambda (axes)
            (let ((nudge (* (zoom-factor) zsc))
                  (rc (rotation-centre))
                  (tvm (transpose-simple-matrix (view-matrix))))
              (apply set-rotation-centre
                     (map + rc (screen-coords-nudge tvm nudge axes)))))))

  (add-key-binding "Translate Up"    "Up"    (lambda () (f '(0  1 0))))
  (add-key-binding "Translate Down"  "Down"  (lambda () (f '(0 -1 0))))
  (add-key-binding "Translate Left"  "Left"  (lambda () (f '(-1 0 0))))
  (add-key-binding "Translate Right" "Right" (lambda () (f '( 1 0 0)))))

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