Does it influence load times ? (compressing programs at least) Disk space is cheap, and I don't like waiting :)


On Sep 20, 2009, at 12:10 PM, William G. Scott wrote:

Hi Folks:

On OS X, 10.6, I have been playing around with hfsCompression. I can decrease the size of /sw/share/coot significantly:

% cd /sw/share/
% du -h -d 0 coot
180M    coot

% sudo mv coot coot.1
% sudo ditto --hfsCompress coot.1 coot
% du -h -d 0 coot
31M    coot

This can also be done with the libraries and binaries, and even the whole of /sw.

It squeezed phenix down to 319 MB from 1.1 GB. CCP4's new footprint is 562 MB, instead of 1.5 GB.

hfscompressing Xray data results in a factor of two space-saving.

The files still look the same from the point of view of the operating system. You can in fact only "see" the compression using commands like du or df.

More here:


Francis Reyes M.Sc.
215 UCB
University of Colorado at Boulder

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