Thanks, Judit. That is exactly what I wanted. But it has not worked for me yet.

To delete a chain in coot (also it would be nice to have a similar function in Pymol, too). The graphics programs make easily new chains, but it's difficult to delete them without going to a text editor. Also, again, I tried to delete all waters at once in coot, it's difficult. You need map etc.


Debreczeni, Judit wrote:
How about this:
1. click on the bin in the toolbar and select "Delete zone"
2. go to the first residue in the chain (in the Go to atom window or
with ^g), click on the residue
3. similarly, go to the last one and click that
-> Coot should delete the chain (it will take a while...)

It that seems a little fiddly, try this:
(define (delete-chain imol chain-id)
  (if (and (string? chain-id) and (number? imol))
    (let* ((n-res (chain-n-residues chain-id imol))
           (start (seqnum-from-serial-number imol chain-id 0))
           (end   (seqnum-from-serial-number imol chain-id (- n-res
      (delete-residue-range imol chain-id start end))))
where imol is the molecule number and chain-id is the chain you want to

using it like e.g.: (delete-chain 0 "A")


How nice would it be to be able to delete chains/residues in the go to
atom window... or renumber residues and change chain IDs and copy
fragments by simple drag-and-drop... sigh.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Mailing list for users of COOT Crystallographic Software
[] On Behalf Of Maia Cherney
Sent: 31 January 2010 20:07
Subject: Re: [COOT] Coot, delete a chain

Hi all,

Is there a way to delete the whole chain of a complex?

Or all solvent atoms at once?


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